Blades are the "Engine" of the Wind Turbine Generator (WTG)
They capture energy from the wind as "Lift" which causes a Turning Force to turn the Rotor producing Torque. The Torque rotates the Drive Train to the Generator where the Torque is converted into Electricity.
The Blades produce several other forces, including self weight, thrust, etc. to produce many complex Load Cases. These dominate the loads delivered to the rest of the WTG.
During early WTG design, the key component is the Blades as small changes here can have big impact on the rest of the WTG. The WTG Loads need to be locked down very early in the process, so the rest of the WTG design can progress.
This can cause problems for OEMs if they push too fast for locked WTG Loads, only to find during the detailed design phase of the Blades the loads could change.
Loads can also change if the Product Scope expands to include more sites.
It is not uncommon for these load changes to occur. If they do occur, they may result in project delays, or worse: failures in testing, prototyping or in extreme case Field Failures.
To minimise these risks, there is often a dedicated team from Loads, Structures and Aero, that run many, many iterations, not just for Loads, but many other constraints including: Noise; Annual Energy Production (AEP); Cost of Energy (CoE); Bill of Materials (BoM) cost and complexity; and Ease of Manufacture. These are then agree with the Product Owners.
Due to this complexity and project time pressures, it is not always possible for the Ease of Blade Manufacturing to hold a high degree of focus during this critical phase. It may then need to be solved after everything else is locked and agreed.
In my opinion, this is one of the main reasons why Design errors can find they way into Blade Designs and how Manufacturing errors can become more likely as tolerances are tightened and resistance to defects goes down in an effort to stay within the Design Envelope.
Good OEM's, of which there are many, have recognised a similar connection and have or are shifting their perspective to recognise that Ease of Manufacture is in fact one to their key differentiators to producing reliable Blades for the ever more demanding market.